To provide a human-based, victim-centered community forum and mechanism to combat all aspects of human trafficking in Brevard county though coordination of public awareness, education and involvement and the creation of formalized alliances and partnership son local, state and federal agencies and organizations, including law
enforcement, social service agencies, faith-based and community groups, businesses, immigrant outreach programs, health care and legal assistance providers.
Who We Are
The Space Coast Human Trafficking Task Force is a coalition of non-profits, government agencies, law
enforcement agencies, elected government officials, churches, and other local organizations. We are
committed to all working together to prevent the exploitation of men, women and children for sex and
labor trafficking and to assist those in our community that have fallen victim to this horrific crime.
Committee Structure
- Executive Team — Oversee’s the administration of the task force and exists to support
the mission and strategic plan of the task force. - Training and Outreach — Raises awareness through events that engage the novice or
uninformed audience in the general population as well as networking with various
business and other community leaders to support the work of the task force. This
committee also trains law enforcement, organizations and agencies on human trafficking
and provide materials to educate specific industry sectors and institutions - Victim Services & CSEC — Perform a community assessment of existing assets to allocate providers for victim services including a protocol of best practices with a victim-centered approach model.
- Faith-Based Organizations — Coordinate information and materials effectively with
communities of faith to ensure opportunities of engagement and collaboration with the
task force including volunteering for events as well as supporting the restoration of victims. - Law Enforcement and Judiciary — Create collaboration of all federal, state and local law enforcement efforts to investigate, rescue, and cooperate with a task force. For the protection of victims and other on going cases this is a closed community and only open to law enforcement personnel and judiciary officials.
DCF Abuse Hotline
1-800-96-ABUSE (minors)
National Human
Trafficking Hotline:
1-888-373-7888 (adults)
Or TEXT: BEFREE(233733)